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Max HP Program

Personal Training


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Click the link below to sign up today.

Peri-Cardiac Personal Training

is a safety-first cardiology adaptation to fitness mediated by a Registered Nurse (RN) who is trained to identify common signs and symptoms associated with cardiovascular compromise. With an RN as your Personal trainer, you can safely follow your doctors orders to exercise, lose weight, and feel great. 

See below for more details.

Peri-Cardiac Program

The Difference from Traditional Personal Training


Post-Pericardiac Sessions are structured based on the cardiovascular history and predispositions of the client, while remaining compliant with any active Physician recommendations and restrictions that may apply. These workouts are also characterized by optional blood pressure, pulse, and respiratory checks before, during, and after these sessions. Clients may opt out of vital sign checks at any time as they are not considered treatment, nor an official, paid-for part of the training program.


Take comfort in knowing that your medications are understood, well-researched when necessary, and taken into strategic consideration when programming your sessions.

The Registered Nurse-Certified Personal Trainer will follow-up with you between sessions if needed, and may request to communicate with your doctor if the need is apparent. 

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